Online status

LanTalk.NET allows other people in your contact list to see your online status, as well as allowing you to see theirs.

LanTalk.NET includes the following statuses:

You can choose any status you like. LanTalk.NET automatically notifies everyone in your contact list about your status change.

Only two statuses have strictly defined meaning:

Offline Means you are unavailable (your PC is shut down, LanTalk.NET is not running, network is unavailable, etc.).
Online Means your computer is connected to the network and the application is responding to status requests.

All the other statuses are relative and show the degree of absence:

Away Means you are away for a short time and will return soon (e.g. on a coffee break).
Busy Means you are busy and don not want to be disturbed.
Out Means you are away and will not return soon (e.g. having dinner).

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